Why Teachers development?

School provides an ecosystem for a child’s education and promotes a child’s mental and psychological growth. In a school environment, besides learning academics, a child also learns other important life skills such as teamwork, good manners, unity, sharing, and responsibility.

Children’s capacities to learn and absorbs are humongous. By allowing them to learn in a school setting while they are young, they can be molded into good, responsible, and hardworking citizens. The role of the school in child development begins as early as pre-school and continues through childhood. Hence, school as an institution plays a very important and significant role in developing the future of our society at large.

There is widespread consensus, however, that our education systems need a paradigm shift in the learning & teaching approach to adequately prepare our students with the essential 21st-century knowledge and skills necessary for life, career, and citizenship.

Teachers have greater responsibility to create a workforce for tomorrow with the foundation of learning, abilities, and orientations.

Arrham CEP (continuous education Program) for teachers can facilitate a significant role in the professional growth of teachers; and function as a change agent towards the 21st century.
Arrham CEP training programs are made and designed in equipping teachers for 21st-century society.

List of Teachers Training Workshop

This 1 ½ Day program is meticulously designed to provide participants with a deeper and clear understanding of the teaching dynamics, student behaviors and influencing factors for effective teaching and learning. Program ensure that participants can have a profound impact on their teaching outcomes based on

  1. Understanding of the varied learning patterns and learning process of each child in the class.
  2. Better understanding themselves during the teaching state,
  3. Making the teaching approach more flexible and grounded, and
  4. Making the classroom more engaging and interactive.
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This full-day program is based on the ground-breaking theory of multiple intelligence. In recent years, new definitions of intelligence have gained acceptance and have dramatically enhanced the appraisal of human competencies. Howard Gardner of Harvard University suggests that there is at least eight human intelligence. If we can develop ways to teach and learn by engaging all eight intelligences, we will increase the possibilities for student success and create the opportunity to, “weave a social fabric in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place.” In-depth workshop meant for school teachers to equip them with essential skills to translate their learnings in a classroom setting.

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This full-day workshop is based on the 21st century essential skills an educator must have while we are entering the complex, ambiguous and disruptive world of 21st Century world. To be college and career ready today, student learning must go beyond mastery of core subjects and include 21st-century knowledge and skills like critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and various literacies like technology, financial, health, civic, environmental etc. The teacher must be equipped with 21st-century knowledge and skills and learn how to integrate them into their classroom practice so that it successfully meeting the challenges of this century. This workshop equips teachers to integrate 21st-century knowledge and skills with academics. It’s about fusing the two, so that our children meet the demands of a global economy, as well as engage in good citizenship and participate fully in a vibrant and civil society.

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Classrooms are filled with plenty of emotions, enjoyment, excitement, anger, hurt and boredom. The teacher’s skill in working with emotional information and in regulating their own and their students is important. Emotions directly impact what and how students learn. This full-day workshop focuses on how student teachers develop the competence to work in and with the emotionally rich life of the classroom.

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Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the science through which students, teachers, and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and take responsible decisions. The direct benefits of SEL can be witnessed in a variety of categories – social-emotional skills, positive attitudes, positive social behavior, academic performance, conduct problems, emotional distress. This full-day workshop will equip teachers with the necessary strategies and skill set to implement SEL in the classroom setting.

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